The purely natural origin of the leather, namely a precious and exclusive material, assumes the presence of peculiar qualities and blemishes. For those reasons, following the suggestions contained in this certificate becomes fundamental. Leathers are particulary sensitive to the light/heat (but also vapour) direct exposure. Certainly, their surfaces can show some natural signs, such as folds, little scars, scratches or colour and grain variations, which are the evidence of the authenticity and value of the product.
In order to remove stains, in general, take note of the following advice:
1) soak up the fluid with a clean white cloth, immediately and without pressing;
2) if the stain remains, blot with a white cloth soaked in distilled water and neutral soap (not detergent);
3) rinse the soap with another white clean cloth, soaked in pure distilled water; then, rub softly the surface with a dry, smooth, white cloth;
4) ultimately, let leather to air dry.